I've been reflecting on a blog for a year now... I have some amazing, creative friends that have a way with words, pictures and storytelling. They have inspired me... to at least try. I've always wanted to be a better story teller... and somehow now that I have kids it seems like a good time to refine whatever potential I have. I have to admit connecting on facebook with dear friends over memories, kids, birthdays, recommendations, travels and just daily life has inspired me to reflect more on how we share our stories in day to day life. Things that have kept me from being more I kept thinking what do I have to talk about... is my life really that interesting... will this just be one more thing to "do" ... will it really help me connect with people in a meaningful way... but since I've never had more trouble having an uninterrupted phone conversation (between kids and cell phones) or making time to write the personalized letters I used to (email ain't the same!)... I'm giving it a try. I have thoughts... they might not be clear or complete ones, but thoughts nonetheless. I love the symbol of a butterfly... for aren't we all a work in progress and yet all profoundly, uniquely made to soar... not just survive but truly thrive. I love the Hungry Caterpillar story by Eric Carle and how he grows, grows and grows so BIG, bigger than even he could have imagined and I like the metaphor that there was daily pursuit, slowly but surely. I kind of feel that way about our boys...and quite frankly about myself- how did I get to be this OLD... I have wrinkles and a post-baby body and I don't have the energy I used too and although I have moments where I think I get something or know something, quite frankly I feel like I just don't know but God does. I'm amazed at how are our boys are so BIG already... those long legs, their strength, their independence. In fact just this last week Grady was "jumping" like a big boy and watching the joy both boys had in "jumping together" reminded me of how precious the daily moments are... little things and big milestones... they just keep adding up. Thus we are all growing and I just don't want to miss it!
In the last few years we have been learning more and more about types of butterflies, their migration and I enjoy spotting them playing, observing their sporadic flight in a garden. I think they are amazing. We went camping in Pismo beach in November to see The Monarch Butterly Grove... they flutter and soar in the sunshine, then huggle together...we enjoyed seeing their beauty and the natural cycle of their migration. Sometimes I imagine the simplicity of being such a creature and yet it is still a journey marked with perserverence.

I recall a quote that inspires me to keep growing... just when the caterpiller thought the world was over, it became a butterly. It reminds me of this scripture...intended to be comfort for God's people, Isaiah 40:29-31..."He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will SOAR on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." I love this image of using wings to help us soar; the image of wings specifically designed to soar significant distances (above difficulties, turbulence and conserve energy)like an eagle or butterly. Some days I would love to fly away but I think the real message to me is about conserving energy so I don't perputuate a weary exsistence of just surviving...getting through...waiting until the day when whatever...but when I hope in the Lord anew every morning I'm travling a bit lighter.
Of course I'd love your thoughts... I'm doing this to "share life" and enable us to "connect"... so if you read... let me know... one way or another... for you just might be the inspiration I need to keep it going.
Fly butterly, fly!!! Woo hoo!!! I sent you an e-mail a while back - sure hope you got it! I'm sure you're getting settled back into your old home, made new again! You're right - the phone is the shortest distance, but there are many roadblocks on that short path! LOL THREE of 'em. . .
ReplyDeleteYou write beautifully and I love that you share your faith with all! Beautiful blog design! Did you do it?
I'm here and ready to "connect"! Thank you for enabling me to "share life" with you in a way that allows me to "share" at midnight in bed with a snoring DH, a baby sound asleep between in us and two munchkins in dreamland next door! Me time. . .Us time. . .love you!