1. fond of the company of others; sociable.
2. living in flocks or herds, as animals.
3. growing in open clusters or colonies; not matted together.
Stephanie captured us at our best...don't let these fool you this is a "snapshot" of reality... just glad we are smiling and a bit silly in the midst of it all: Sabin Maternity Photo Session
Frankly the last few weeks we just have been bouncing off each other with our priorities and needs, questions and concerns on how are the projects, responsibilities, commitments, tasks and timing are all going to come together and work?
There are days when I forget that I am more than just the "clean up crew"... dishes, clothes, piles. Especially cause it's taken a little more effort lately... we have used paper & plastic a lot but we still cook at home... so we've been washing dishes camping style on the front porch...the good news is I sit down, the boys like to help and we all get some invaluable fresh air... as I washed them this week I couldn't help but ponder-- is this is the week? Will the sink or baby come first... you all can wager in the privacy of your own home... it gets a little heated when broached around here...after all I am hormonal and nesting instinct is in FULL force!
Kitchen remodel- 100% amazing... my hubby is SO handy and worked so hard to give us a very functional space to serve our family. It's 80% complete- although there is a plan... we are awaiting counter installation, then our farm sink and dishwasher hookup & floor install.
Drawers that work! |
So much more storage & flow! |
So much light! Awaiting counter & sink! |
adjusting to the workload & expectations in Dave's awesome new job... he's working SO hard for us! he travels all over Southern California 30% of the week & works at home 40% of the time and sneaks in for a few precious breaks during long 8-10 hour days!
popcorn break in Dad's garage office! |
A morning stretch before school with baseball! |
Monkeys on the swing! |
Cade's last week of kindergarten, lots of "special" activities and 1:1 time; HUGE anticipation for summer with BIG expectations of ALL the fun we will have!!
Grady turning 3 (yep on our due date- June 24!) and becoming a BIG brother
Dressing and snuggling his" baby! |
She's sleeping mommy... shh! |
Making room physically, emotionally, financially for sweet pea- YES a GIRL!!!
The pink and even wall of accessories have been invading (the boys are SO curious!!)
A girl has to have her accessories! |
Soft boppy in girlie pinks |
0-3 months clothes...MOSTLY pink! |
blankies |
Adoreable homemade burp cloths! |
Mini crib with butterflies, flowers & PINK! |
Setting the tone (God helping us) of peace, joy & love in our home, in spite of our very human and selfish priorities, choices and emotional needs.
So this image wasn't captured in the "Sabin Sweet Pea Photos"... IMAGINE: shooting imaginary lasers from all heights and angles hour by hour and day by day- like a charged game of laser tag. IF you are intrigued by the excitement? YOU fit right in to our chaos... my crew is charged by the competition, the vibrancy, the rush of what's to come. Yee-haw!!
Then in contrast there is ME... limited in balance and poise...a slow moving, heavy breathing with groaning, teetering force that has been learning my strength IS NOT in my physical core or quick agility but the intensity of being FAITHFUL in the midst of the groans that words can not express.
For the last time, about 11 months ago (end of July 2010) when I serendipitiously got caught up in a whirlwind of juggling in the midst of struggle, fear and being overwhelmed I found myself knocked on my bum to a broken foot... I knew HE would make all things for good-- but I had no idea that that would lead me to now. I do KNOW that God hasn't brought me this far for me at 38 weeks preggers with a much anticipated baby GIRL to go back to struggling in my self sufficiency, full of fear or overwhelmed. He's got it...He KNOWS ME and wants to reassure me and my family... You Are More.
You Are More by Tenth Avenue North is one of my faves! It reminds me of when I was preparing to give birth to Grady... literally 3 years ago... today- June 15, 2008 would have been my "due date" and then there were those 10 extra days of waiting with expectancy... rest, quality time, being. I was nesting... preparing... planning. I made a month worth of meals in my freezer (I have been known to be rather self sufficient and I do like to feel prepared and in control). Yet, we were blessed beyond what we could imagine with not only meals a few times a week for almost 3 months but the fellowship of friends to celebrate & shared joy to nourish us.
So during my last day of solitude for this school year and my due date in a week... I have some projects, tasks and a few chores... but most important is claiming and living from God's gift that "You Are More" for myself and each entrusted to me in this Sabin home. Each held deep in my heart I look a moment to STOP this morning...to hold them in my hands... look them in the eyes, kiss them, affirm that I'm proud and thankful for WHO they are and encourage them to BE the most they are in this day. It speaks not about provision or meager care or love- just enough to survive day by day-- in my head I have this tendency to think there is a limited amount to go around and we are all vying for our portion of a limited resource- time, energy, money, space, attention. BUT You Are More is about
abundant LOVE, God's gregarious relational LOVE that although it is constantly evolving, it is deep and vast, never failing. An intimate, thoughtful, delightful and peaceful presence in the eye of the storm. His ways are higher than mine and so is His timing.
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